Gateways News 2019

The summer of 2019 saw a record 16 Gateways students. They came from across the country to spend 10 weeks working in labs at all three of our institutions (plus one at HSS), doing clinical shadowing, participating in clinical problem based lab discussions led by current MD-PhD students, and volunteering in the Heart to Heart Community Clinic.

In late July, they all presented their research via talks at The Leadership Alliance National Symposium (LANS).  In November, ten of them traveled to Anaheim, CA, to give talks and posters at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) (read more about their time at ABRCMS here).

Somehow finding the time outside of their many Gateways related activities, this year's cohort went above and beyond (in both effort and creativity) to make a music video about being an MD-PhD applicant and a video of interviews and reflections on their experiences. We cannot encourage you strongly enough to watch these videos!

We are also excited to announce that beginning in 2019, those Gateways students invited to interview for the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program will have their travel related expenses covered courtsey of the Olaf S. Andersen Alumni Fund. We have a steady stream of applicants from the ranks of Gateways alumni, and this generous support will remove a potentially heavy burden from the not insignificant load they already carry. 

Visit the Gateways Program page for more information about this program. Applications for the 2020 summer are now open and will remain so until the end of January, 2020. This program is open to freshmen and sophomores seriously considering pursuing an MD-PhD dual degree. For the full list of eligibility requirements, visit the Gateways Admissions page. Applications are submitted via the Leadership Alliance.

Pictured below are some of the Gateways students at LANS (left) and at ABRCMS (right).

Gateways Students at LANS 2019Gateways and MD-PhD Students at ABRCMS 2019
