Finance FAQs

Find out more about the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program financial support for students.

What is the funding package for MD-PhD students?

All MD-PhD students receive a stipend (currently $47,770 - $54,000 depending on the year in the program), a full tuition waiver, a $1,000-$1,500 research supplement (depending on phase), health & dental insurance, and access to on-campus housing. In addition, any student who is awarded an external, independent fellowship that covers at least 50% of their stipend will receive a $5,000 stipend supplement for the life of the award. 

Are international students and U.S. permanent residents eligible to receive funding?

All admitted MD-PhD students receive the same financial support. Note that Tri-I is not currently accepting applications from international students.

Can a spouse or dependent be added to the health insurance?

Yes, but students are responsible for paying the difference in cost associated with additional people on the policy. Please see WCM Student Services for more details.