Nicolas Blobel, fifth year student in the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD program has received an F30 Research Award from the National Institute of Health. This award will support Mr. Blobel's work in the Smogorzewska Lab at The Rockefeller University, where he is currently a doctoral student; in particular his project "Mechanisms of genomic instability, tumor initiation and progression following the disruption of the RTF2-RNase H2 axis.”
Nicolas described his work and its relevance by saying "The aberrant incorporation or retention of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) in the genome is a common cause of genomic instability, rendering it susceptible to hydrolysis and downstream mutagenesis. This proposal seeks to 1) gain insight into how the removal of ribonucleotides from the genome is regulated and 2) propose a novel method allowing the quantitative study of ribonucleotide incorporation in human cells."

Nicholas Blobel
- Awards