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Zacharia BE, Kahn S, Bander ED, Cederquist GY, Cope WP, McLaughlin L, Hijazi A, Reiner AS, Laufer I, Bilsky M.  2017.  Incidence and risk factors for preoperative deep venous thrombosis in 314 consecutive patients undergoing surgery for spinal metastasis.. J Neurosurg Spine. 27(2):189-197.
Wise A, Tenezaca L, Fernandez RW, Schatoff E, Flores J, Ueda A, Zhong X, Wu C-F, Simon AF, Venkatesh T.  2015.  Drosophila mutants of the autism candidate gene neurobeachin (rugose) exhibit neuro-developmental disorders, aberrant synaptic properties, altered locomotion, and impaired adult social behavior and activity patterns.. J Neurogenet. 29(2-3):135-43.
Comer JD, Pan FCheng, Willet SG, Haldipur P, Millen KJ, Wright CVE, Kaltschmidt JA.  2015.  Sensory and spinal inhibitory dorsal midline crossing is independent of Robo3.. Front Neural Circuits. 9:36.