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Lynes MD, Leiria LO, Lundh M, Bartelt A, Shamsi F, Huang TLian, Takahashi H, Hirshman MF, Schlein C, Lee A et al..  2017.  The cold-induced lipokine 12,13-diHOME promotes fatty acid transport into brown adipose tissue.. Nat Med. 23(5):631-637.
Chiu H-F, Chen B-K, Lu Y-Y, Han Y-C, Shen Y-C, Venkatakrishnan K, Golovinskaia O, Wang C-K.  2017.  Hypocholesterolemic efficacy of royal jelly in healthy mild hypercholesterolemic adults.. Pharm Biol. 55(1):497-502.
Quinn WJ, Wan M, Shewale SV, Gelfer R, Rader DJ, Birnbaum MJ, Titchenell PM.  2017.  mTORC1 stimulates phosphatidylcholine synthesis to promote triglyceride secretion.. J Clin Invest. 127(11):4207-4215.