Elastic force restricts growth of the murine utricle.

TitleElastic force restricts growth of the murine utricle.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsGnedeva K, Jacobo A, Salvi JD, Petelski AA, Hudspeth AJ
Date Published2017 07 25
KeywordsAdaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing, Animals, Elasticity, Epithelium, Mice, Models, Theoretical, Morphogenesis, Phosphoproteins, Saccule and Utricle

Dysfunctions of hearing and balance are often irreversible in mammals owing to the inability of cells in the inner ear to proliferate and replace lost sensory receptors. To determine the molecular basis of this deficiency we have investigated the dynamics of growth and cellular proliferation in a murine vestibular organ, the utricle. Based on this analysis, we have created a theoretical model that captures the key features of the organ's morphogenesis. Our experimental data and model demonstrate that an elastic force opposes growth of the utricular sensory epithelium during development, confines cellular proliferation to the organ's periphery, and eventually arrests its growth. We find that an increase in cellular density and the subsequent degradation of the transcriptional cofactor Yap underlie this process. A reduction in mechanical constraints results in accumulation and nuclear translocation of Yap, which triggers proliferation and restores the utricle's growth; interfering with Yap's activity reverses this effect.

Alternate JournalElife
PubMed ID28742024
PubMed Central IDPMC5550282
Grant ListT32 DC009975 / DC / NIDCD NIH HHS / United States
/ HHMI / Howard Hughes Medical Institute / United States
F30 DC013468 / DC / NIDCD NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM007739 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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