Inherited IFNAR1 deficiency in otherwise healthy patients with adverse reaction to measles and yellow fever live vaccines.

TitleInherited IFNAR1 deficiency in otherwise healthy patients with adverse reaction to measles and yellow fever live vaccines.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHernandez N, Bucciol G, Moens L, Le Pen J, Shahrooei M, Goudouris E, Shirkani A, Changi-Ashtiani M, Rokni-Zadeh H, Sayar EHazar, Reisli I, Lefevre-Utile A, Zijlmans D, Jurado A, Pholien R, Drutman S, Belkaya S, Cobat A, Boudewijns R, Jochmans D, Neyts J, Seeleuthner Y, Lorenzo-Diaz L, Enemchukwu C, Tietjen I, Hoffmann H-H, Momenilandi M, Pöyhönen L, Siqueira MM, de Lima SMBarbosa, Matos DC de Souza, Homma A, Maia Mde Lourdes, Barros TAzamor da, de Oliveira PMouta Nune, Mesquita ECiclini, Gijsbers R, Zhang S-Y, Seligman SJ, Abel L, Hertzog P, Marr N, Martins Rde Menezes, Meyts I, Zhang Q, MacDonald MR, Rice CM, Casanova J-L, Jouanguy E, Bossuyt X
JournalJ Exp Med
Date Published2019 Sep 02

Vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and yellow fever (YF) with live attenuated viruses can rarely cause life-threatening disease. Severe illness by MMR vaccines can be caused by inborn errors of type I and/or III interferon (IFN) immunity (mutations in , , or ). Adverse reactions to the YF vaccine have remained unexplained. We report two otherwise healthy patients, a 9-yr-old boy in Iran with severe measles vaccine disease at 1 yr and a 14-yr-old girl in Brazil with viscerotropic disease caused by the YF vaccine at 12 yr. The Iranian patient is homozygous and the Brazilian patient compound heterozygous for loss-of-function variations. Patient-derived fibroblasts are susceptible to viruses, including the YF and measles virus vaccine strains, in the absence or presence of exogenous type I IFN. The patients' fibroblast phenotypes are rescued with WT Autosomal recessive, complete IFNAR1 deficiency can result in life-threatening complications of vaccination with live attenuated measles and YF viruses in previously healthy individuals.

Alternate JournalJ. Exp. Med.
PubMed ID31270247
PubMed Central IDPMC6719432
Grant ListR01 AI124690 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM066699 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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