CD40 agonist antibody mediated improvement of chronic Cryptosporidium infection in patients with X-linked hyper IgM syndrome.

TitleCD40 agonist antibody mediated improvement of chronic Cryptosporidium infection in patients with X-linked hyper IgM syndrome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsFan X, Upadhyaya B, Wu L, Koh C, Santín-Durán M, Pittaluga S, Uzel G, Kleiner D, Williams E, Ma CA, Bodansky A, Oliveira JB, Edmonds P, Hornung R, Wong DW, Fayer R, Fleisher T, Heller T, Prussin C, Jain A
JournalClin Immunol
Date Published2012 May
KeywordsAdolescent, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized, CD40 Ligand, Cryptosporidiosis, Cryptosporidium, Cytokines, Feces, Humans, Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Type 1, Leukocyte Count, Leukocytes, Mononuclear, Male, T-Lymphocytes

X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (XHM) is a combined immune deficiency disorder caused by mutations in CD40 ligand. We tested CP-870,893, a human CD40 agonist monoclonal antibody, in the treatment of two XHM patients with biliary Cryptosporidiosis. CP-870,893 activated B cells and APCs in vitro, restoring class switch recombination in XHM B cells and inducing cytokine secretion by monocytes. CP-870,893 infusions were well tolerated and showed significant activity in vivo, decreasing leukocyte concentration in peripheral blood. Although specific antibody responses were lacking, frequent dosing in one subject primed T cells to secrete IFN-g and suppressed oocyst shedding in the stool. Nevertheless, relapse occurred after discontinuation of therapy. The CD40 receptor was rapidly internalized following binding with CP-870,893, potentially explaining the limited capacity of CP-870,893 to mediate immune reconstitution. This study demonstrates that CP-870,893 suppressed oocysts shedding in XHM patients with biliary cryptosporidiosis. The continued study of CD40 agonists in XHM is warranted.

Alternate JournalClin. Immunol.
PubMed ID22459705
PubMed Central IDPMC3365556
Grant ListN01CO12400 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
ZIA AI001078-04 / / Intramural NIH HHS / United States
N01-CO-12400 / CO / NCI NIH HHS / United States