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Chen HI-Hsuan, deJong J.  2017.  Increased Lung Weights in Drug-related Fatalities.. J Forensic Sci. 62(6):1632-1634.
McCrea HJ, Bander ED, Venn RA, Reiner AS, J Iorgulescu B, Puchi LA, Schaefer PM, Cederquist G, Greenfield JP.  2015.  Sex, Age, Anatomic Location, and Extent of Resection Influence Outcomes in Children With High-grade Glioma.. Neurosurgery. 77(3):443-52;discussion452-3.
Farhadian SF, Suárez-Fariñas M, Cho CE, Pellegrino M, Vosshall LB.  2012.  Post-fasting olfactory, transcriptional, and feeding responses in Drosophila.. Physiol Behav. 105(2):544-53.