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Kastan NR, Oak S, Liang R, Baxt L, Myers RW, Ginn J, Liverton N, Huggins DJ, Pichardo J, Paul M et al.
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Development of an improved inhibitor of Lats kinases to promote regeneration of mammalian organs.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(28):e2206113119.
Gonzales KAndrew Uy, Polak L, Matos I, Tierney MT, Gola A, Wong E, Infarinato NR, Nikolova M, Luo S, Liu S et al.
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Stem cells expand potency and alter tissue fitness by accumulating diverse epigenetic memories.
Science. 374(6571):eabh2444.
Adam RC, Yang H, Ge Y, Lien W-H, Wang P, Zhao Y, Polak L, Levorse J, Baksh SC, Zheng D et al.
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Temporal Layering of Signaling Effectors Drives Chromatin Remodeling during Hair Follicle Stem Cell Lineage Progression.
Cell Stem Cell. 22(3):398-413.e7.
Dick SA, Chang NC, Dumont NA, Bell RAV, Putinski C, Kawabe Y, Litchfield DW, Rudnicki MA, Megeney LA
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Caspase 3 cleavage of Pax7 inhibits self-renewal of satellite cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(38):E5246-52.
Lindemans CA, Calafiore M, Mertelsmann AM, O'Connor MH, Dudakov JA, Jenq RR, Velardi E, Young LF, Smith OM, Lawrence G et al.
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Interleukin-22 promotes intestinal-stem-cell-mediated epithelial regeneration.
Nature. 528(7583):560-564.
Mollova M, Bersell K, Walsh S, Savla J, Das LTanmoy, Park S-Y, Silberstein LE, Remedios CGDos, Graham D, Colan S et al.
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Cardiomyocyte proliferation contributes to heart growth in young humans.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(4):1446-51.
Lim JYul, Loiselle AE, Lee JSoon, Zhang Y, Salvi JD, Donahue HJ
. 2011.
Optimizing the osteogenic potential of adult stem cells for skeletal regeneration.
J Orthop Res. 29(11):1627-33.