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Carpio LR, Bradley EW, McGee-Lawrence ME, Weivoda MM, Poston DD, Dudakovic A, Xu M, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, van Wijnen AJ et al..  2016.  Histone deacetylase 3 supports endochondral bone formation by controlling cytokine signaling and matrix remodeling.. Sci Signal. 9(440):ra79.
Jing W, Smith AA, Liu B, Li J, Hunter DJ, Dhamdhere G, Salmon B, Jiang J, Cheng D, Johnson CA et al..  2015.  Reengineering autologous bone grafts with the stem cell activator WNT3A.. Biomaterials. 47:29-40.
Lim JYul, Loiselle AE, Lee JSoon, Zhang Y, Salvi JD, Donahue HJ.  2011.  Optimizing the osteogenic potential of adult stem cells for skeletal regeneration.. J Orthop Res. 29(11):1627-33.