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Reichman M, Chen X, Lee A, Losner J, Thomas C, Katzen J.  2024.  Yield of MR-directed US for MRI-detected breast findings: how often can we avoid MR biopsy? Clin Imaging. 111:110174.
Morton LM, Sampson JN, Armstrong GT, Chen T-H, Hudson MM, Karlins E, Dagnall CL, Li SAlfred, Wilson CL, Srivastava DKumar et al..  2017.  Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Susceptibility Loci That Modify Radiation-Related Risk for Breast Cancer After Childhood Cancer.. J Natl Cancer Inst. 109(11)
Comer JD, Cui X, Eisen CSharyn, Abbey G, Arleo EKagan.  2017.  Myofibroblastoma of the male breast: a rare entity with radiologic-pathologic correlation.. Clin Imaging. 42:109-112.
McEachern KA, Archey WB, Douville K, Arrick BA.  2003.  BRCA1 splice variants exhibit overlapping and distinct transcriptional transactivation activities.. J Cell Biochem. 89(1):120-32.