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Found 13 results
Skin Neoplasms
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Navrazhina K, Garcet S, Williams SC, Gulati N, Kiecker F, Frew JW, Mitsui H, Krueger JG
. 2024.
Laser capture microdissection provides a novel molecular profile of human primary cutaneous melanoma.
Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 37(1):81-89.
Diaz MJ, Tran JT, Choo Z-N, Root KT, Batchu S, Milanovic S, Ladehoff L, Fadil A, Lipner SR
. 2023.
Genomic subtypes of cutaneous melanoma have distinct metabolic profiles: A single-cell transcriptomic analysis.
Arch Dermatol Res. 315(10):2961-2965.
Zhou D, Ota K, Nardin C, Feldman M, Widman A, Wind O, Simon A, Reilly M, Levin LR, Buck J et al.
. 2018.
Mammalian pigmentation is regulated by a distinct cAMP-dependent mechanism that controls melanosome pH.
Sci Signal. 11(555)
Hagen JW, Pugliano-Mauro MA
. 2018.
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer Risk in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Undergoing Thiopurine Therapy: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Dermatol Surg. 44(4):469-480.
Xue Y, Martelotto L, Baslan T, Vides A, Solomon M, Mai TThi, Chaudhary N, Riely GJ, Li BT, Scott K et al.
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An approach to suppress the evolution of resistance in BRAF-mutant cancer.
Nat Med. 23(8):929-937.
Gareau DS, Da Rosa JCorrea, Yagerman S, Carucci JA, Gulati N, Hueto F, DeFazio JL, Suárez-Fariñas M, Marghoob A, Krueger JG
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Digital imaging biomarkers feed machine learning for melanoma screening.
Exp Dermatol. 26(7):615-618.
Ayers M, Lunceford J, Nebozhyn M, Murphy E, Loboda A, Kaufman DR, Albright A, Cheng JD, S Kang P, Shankaran V et al.
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IFN-γ-related mRNA profile predicts clinical response to PD-1 blockade.
J Clin Invest. 127(8):2930-2940.
Sendoel A, Dunn JG, Rodriguez EH, Naik S, Gomez NC, Hurwitz B, Levorse J, Dill BD, Schramek D, Molina H et al.
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Translation from unconventional 5' start sites drives tumour initiation.
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Dubin K, Callahan MK, Ren B, Khanin R, Viale A, Ling L, No D, Gobourne A, Littmann E, Huttenhower C et al.
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Intestinal microbiome analyses identify melanoma patients at risk for checkpoint-blockade-induced colitis.
Nat Commun. 7:10391.
Neel VA, Todorova K, Wang J, Kwon E, Kang M, Liu Q, Gray N, Lee SW, Mandinova A
. 2016.
Sustained Akt Activity Is Required to Maintain Cell Viability in Seborrheic Keratosis, a Benign Epithelial Tumor.
J Invest Dermatol. 136(3):696-705.
Steinman J, Ariyan C, Rafferty B, Brady MS
. 2014.
Factors associated with response, survival, and limb salvage in patients undergoing isolated limb infusion.
J Surg Oncol. 109(5):405-9.
Renwick N, Cekan P, Masry PA, McGeary SE, Miller JB, Hafner M, Li Z, Mihailovic A, Morozov P, Brown M et al.
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Multicolor microRNA FISH effectively differentiates tumor types.
J Clin Invest. 123(6):2694-702.
Laochumroonvorapong P, Kokta V, Quan MB
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Trichilemmal carcinoma in an African American.
Dermatol Surg. 28(3):284-6.