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Navrazhina K, Garcet S, Williams SC, Gulati N, Kiecker F, Frew JW, Mitsui H, Krueger JG.  2024.  Laser capture microdissection provides a novel molecular profile of human primary cutaneous melanoma.. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 37(1):81-89.
Lumaquin-Yin D, Montal E, Johns E, Baggiolini A, Huang T-H, Ma Y, LaPlante C, Suresh S, Studer L, White RM.  2023.  Lipid droplets are a metabolic vulnerability in melanoma.. Nat Commun. 14(1):3192.
Zhou D, Ota K, Nardin C, Feldman M, Widman A, Wind O, Simon A, Reilly M, Levin LR, Buck J et al..  2018.  Mammalian pigmentation is regulated by a distinct cAMP-dependent mechanism that controls melanosome pH.. Sci Signal. 11(555)