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Rajendran S, Brendel M, Barnes J, Zhan Q, Malmsten JE, Zisimopoulos P, Sigaras A, Ofori-Atta K, Meseguer M, Miller KA et al..  2024.  Automatic ploidy prediction and quality assessment of human blastocysts using time-lapse imaging.. Nat Commun. 15(1):7756.
Mollova M, Bersell K, Walsh S, Savla J, Das LTanmoy, Park S-Y, Silberstein LE, Remedios CGDos, Graham D, Colan S et al..  2013.  Cardiomyocyte proliferation contributes to heart growth in young humans.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(4):1446-51.