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Ptashkin RN, Pagan C, Yaeger R, Middha S, Shia J, O'Rourke KP, Berger MF, Wang L, Cimera R, Wang J et al..  2017.  Chromosome 20q Amplification Defines a Subtype of Microsatellite Stable, Left-Sided Colon Cancers with Wild-type RAS/RAF and Better Overall Survival.. Mol Cancer Res. 15(6):708-713.
Sherman SI, Clary DO, Elisei R, Schlumberger MJ, Cohen EEW, Schöffski P, Wirth LJ, Mangeshkar M, Aftab DT, Brose MS.  2016.  Correlative analyses of RET and RAS mutations in a phase 3 trial of cabozantinib in patients with progressive, metastatic medullary thyroid cancer.. Cancer. 122(24):3856-3864.