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Moorman A, Benitez EK, Cambulli F, Jiang Q, Mahmoud A, Lumish M, Hartner S, Balkaran S, Bermeo J, Asawa S et al..  2025.  Progressive plasticity during colorectal cancer metastasis.. Nature. 637(8047):947-954.
Azzopardi S, Pang S, Klimstra DS, Du Y-CNancy.  2016.  p53 and p16/p19 Loss Promotes Different Pancreatic Tumor Types from PyMT-Expressing Progenitor Cells.. Neoplasia. 18(10):610-617.
Ross JB, Huh D, Noble LB, Tavazoie SF.  2015.  Identification of molecular determinants of primary and metastatic tumour re-initiation in breast cancer.. Nat Cell Biol. 17(5):651-64.