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Moynihan KD, Opel CF, Szeto GL, Tzeng A, Zhu EF, Engreitz JM, Williams RT, Rakhra K, Zhang MH, Rothschilds AM et al..  2016.  Eradication of large established tumors in mice by combination immunotherapy that engages innate and adaptive immune responses.. Nat Med. 22(12):1402-1410.
Zhu EF, Gai SA, Opel CF, Kwan BH, Surana R, Mihm MC, Kauke MJ, Moynihan KD, Angelini A, Williams RT et al..  2015.  Synergistic innate and adaptive immune response to combination immunotherapy with anti-tumor antigen antibodies and extended serum half-life IL-2.. Cancer Cell. 27(4):489-501.
Levine AG, Arvey A, Jin W, Rudensky AY.  2014.  Continuous requirement for the TCR in regulatory T cell function.. Nat Immunol. 15(11):1070-8.