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Sikirzhytski V, Magidson V, Steinman JB, He J, Le Berre M, Tikhonenko I, Ault JG, McEwen BF, Chen JK, Sui H et al..  2014.  Direct kinetochore-spindle pole connections are not required for chromosome segregation.. J Cell Biol. 206(2):231-43.
Cederquist GY, Luchniak A, Tischfield MA, Peeva M, Song Y, Menezes MP, Chan W-M, Andrews C, Chew S, Jamieson RV et al..  2012.  An inherited TUBB2B mutation alters a kinesin-binding site and causes polymicrogyria, CFEOM and axon dysinnervation.. Hum Mol Genet. 21(26):5484-99.
Tischfield MA, Cederquist GY, Gupta ML, Engle EC.  2011.  Phenotypic spectrum of the tubulin-related disorders and functional implications of disease-causing mutations.. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 21(3):286-94.