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Colucci PG, Kostandy P, Shrauner WR, Arleo E, Fuortes M, Griffin AS, Huang Y-H, Juluru K, Tsiouris AJohn.  2015.  Development and utilization of a web-based application as a robust radiology teaching tool (radstax) for medical student anatomy teaching.. Acad Radiol. 22(2):247-55.
Francis ER, Goodsmith N, Michelow M, Kulkarni A, McKenney ASophia, Kishore SP, Bertelsen N, Fein O, Balsari S, Lemery J et al..  2012.  The global health curriculum of Weill Cornell Medical College: how one school developed a global health program.. Acad Med. 87(9):1296-302.