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Found 11 results
Green Fluorescent Proteins
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VarnBuhler BS, Moon J, Dey SKumar, Wu J, Jaffrey SR
. 2022.
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Using a DNA Aptamer Mimic of Green Fluorescent Protein.
ACS Chem Biol. 17(4):840-853.
Nagahara AH, Wilson BR, Ivasyk I, Kovacs I, Rawalji S, Bringas JR, Pivirotto PJ, San Sebastian W, Samaranch L, Bankiewicz KS et al.
. 2018.
MR-guided delivery of AAV2-BDNF into the entorhinal cortex of non-human primates.
Gene Ther. 25(2):104-114.
Verma N, Zhu Z, Huangfu D
. 2017.
CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Knockin in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Methods Mol Biol. 1513:119-140.
Russ JB, Borromeo MD, Kollipara RK, Bommareddy PK, Johnson JE, Kaltschmidt JA
. 2015.
Misexpression of ptf1a in cortical pyramidal cells in vivo promotes an inhibitory peptidergic identity.
J Neurosci. 35(15):6028-37.
Jing W, Smith AA, Liu B, Li J, Hunter DJ, Dhamdhere G, Salmon B, Jiang J, Cheng D, Johnson CA et al.
. 2015.
Reengineering autologous bone grafts with the stem cell activator WNT3A.
Biomaterials. 47:29-40.
Comer JD, Pan FCheng, Willet SG, Haldipur P, Millen KJ, Wright CVE, Kaltschmidt JA
. 2015.
Sensory and spinal inhibitory dorsal midline crossing is independent of Robo3.
Front Neural Circuits. 9:36.
Filonov GS, Moon JD, Svensen N, Jaffrey SR
. 2014.
Broccoli: rapid selection of an RNA mimic of green fluorescent protein by fluorescence-based selection and directed evolution.
J Am Chem Soc. 136(46):16299-308.
Mahadevan A, Welsh IC, Sivakumar A, Gludish DW, Shilvock AR, Noden DM, Huss D, Lansford R, Kurpios NA
. 2014.
The left-right Pitx2 pathway drives organ-specific arterial and lymphatic development in the intestine.
Dev Cell. 31(6):690-706.
Lyst MJ, Ekiert R, Ebert DH, Merusi C, Nowak J, Selfridge J, Guy J, Kastan NR, Robinson ND, Alves Fde Lima et al.
. 2013.
Rett syndrome mutations abolish the interaction of MeCP2 with the NCoR/SMRT co-repressor.
Nat Neurosci. 16(7):898-902.
Wang Y, Kissenpfennig A, Mingueneau M, Richelme S, Perrin P, Chevrier S, Genton C, Lucas B, DiSanto JP, Acha-Orbea H et al.
. 2008.
Th2 lymphoproliferative disorder of LatY136F mutant mice unfolds independently of TCR-MHC engagement and is insensitive to the action of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells.
J Immunol. 180(3):1565-75.
Di Giorgio FPaolo, Carrasco MA, Siao MC, Maniatis T, Eggan K
. 2007.
Non-cell autonomous effect of glia on motor neurons in an embryonic stem cell-based ALS model.
Nat Neurosci. 10(5):608-14.