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Jin H, Liu A, Chin AC, Fu C, Shen H, Cheng W.  2024.  Deleting IP6K1 stabilizes neuronal sodium-potassium pumps and suppresses excitability.. Mol Brain. 17(1):8.
Kaufman DRobert, Papillon J, Larose L, Iwawaki T, Cybulsky AV.  2017.  Deletion of inositol-requiring enzyme-1α in podocytes disrupts glomerular capillary integrity and autophagy.. Mol Biol Cell. 28(12):1636-1651.
Horner WH, Russ GA.  1969.  Biosynthesis of streptomycin. VI. Myo-inosose-2, an intermediate in streptidine biosynthesis.. Biochim Biophys Acta. 192(2):352-4.