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Filters: Keyword is Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition  [Clear All Filters]
Schiffman JS, D'Avino AR, Prieto T, Pang Y, Fan Y, Rajagopalan S, Potenski C, Hara T, Suvà ML, Gawad C et al..  2024.  Defining heritability, plasticity, and transition dynamics of cellular phenotypes in somatic evolution.. Nat Genet. 56(10):2174-2184.
McIntyre CA, Grimont A, Park J, Meng Y, Sisso WJ, Seier K, Jang GHo, Walch H, Aveson VG, Falvo DJ et al..  2024.  Distinct clinical outcomes and biological features of specific KRAS mutants in human pancreatic cancer.. Cancer Cell. 42(9):1614-1629.e5.
Zhang P, Zhao G, Ji L, Yin J, Lu L, Li W, Zhou G, Chaum E, Yue J.  2018.  Knockdown of survivin results in inhibition of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in retinal pigment epithelial cells by attenuating the TGFβ pathway.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 498(3):573-578.
David CJ, Huang Y-H, Chen M, Su J, Zou Y, Bardeesy N, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Massagué J.  2016.  TGF-β Tumor Suppression through a Lethal EMT.. Cell. 164(5):1015-30.