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Moorman A, Benitez EK, Cambulli F, Jiang Q, Mahmoud A, Lumish M, Hartner S, Balkaran S, Bermeo J, Asawa S et al..  2025.  Progressive plasticity during colorectal cancer metastasis.. Nature. 637(8047):947-954.
Delgado-Benito V, Rosen DB, Wang Q, Gazumyan A, Pai JA, Oliveira TY, Sundaravinayagam D, Zhang W, Andreani M, Keller L et al..  2018.  The Chromatin Reader ZMYND8 Regulates Igh Enhancers to Promote Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination.. Mol Cell. 72(4):636-649.e8.
Morton LM, Sampson JN, Armstrong GT, Chen T-H, Hudson MM, Karlins E, Dagnall CL, Li SAlfred, Wilson CL, Srivastava DKumar et al..  2017.  Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Susceptibility Loci That Modify Radiation-Related Risk for Breast Cancer After Childhood Cancer.. J Natl Cancer Inst. 109(11)
Murphy AK, Fitzgerald M, Ro T, Kim JHyun, Rabinowitsch AI, Chowdhury D, Schildkraut CL, Borowiec JA.  2014.  Phosphorylated RPA recruits PALB2 to stalled DNA replication forks to facilitate fork recovery.. J Cell Biol. 206(4):493-507.