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Filters: Keyword is Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1  [Clear All Filters]
Daigh LH, Saha D, Rosenthal DL, Ferrick KR, Meyer T.  2024.  Uncoupling of mTORC1 from E2F activity maintains DNA damage and senescence.. Nat Commun. 15(1):9181.
Huynh TN, Santini E, Mojica E, Fink AE, Hall BS, Fetcho RN, Grosenick L, Deisseroth K, Ledoux JE, Liston C et al..  2018.  Activation of a novel p70 S6 kinase 1-dependent intracellular cascade in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala is required for the acquisition of extinction memory.. Mol Psychiatry. 23(6):1394-1401.
Quinn WJ, Wan M, Shewale SV, Gelfer R, Rader DJ, Birnbaum MJ, Titchenell PM.  2017.  mTORC1 stimulates phosphatidylcholine synthesis to promote triglyceride secretion.. J Clin Invest. 127(11):4207-4215.
Zeng H, Cohen S, Guy C, Shrestha S, Neale G, Brown SA, Cloer C, Kishton RJ, Gao X, Youngblood B et al..  2016.  mTORC1 and mTORC2 Kinase Signaling and Glucose Metabolism Drive Follicular Helper T Cell Differentiation.. Immunity. 45(3):540-554.