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Filters: Keyword is Radiotherapy Dosage  [Clear All Filters]
Morton LM, Sampson JN, Armstrong GT, Chen T-H, Hudson MM, Karlins E, Dagnall CL, Li SAlfred, Wilson CL, Srivastava DKumar et al..  2017.  Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Susceptibility Loci That Modify Radiation-Related Risk for Breast Cancer After Childhood Cancer.. J Natl Cancer Inst. 109(11)
Behling K, Maguire WF, Puebla JCarlos Ló, Sprinkle SR, Ruggiero A, O'Donoghue J, Gutin PH, Scheinberg DA, McDevitt MR.  2016.  Vascular Targeted Radioimmunotherapy for the Treatment of Glioblastoma.. J Nucl Med. 57(10):1576-1582.