A square signal wave method for measurement of brain extra- and intracellular water content.

TitleA square signal wave method for measurement of brain extra- and intracellular water content.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsItkis ML, Roberts JK, Ghajar JB, Hariri RJ
JournalActa Neurochir Suppl (Wien)
Date Published1994
KeywordsAnimals, Brain Edema, Calibration, Cerebral Cortex, Electric Impedance, Extracellular Space, Intracellular Fluid, Rats, Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted, Software

Brain tissue electrical impedance is a commonly used method to evaluate the dynamics of brain edema. We have found the square wave impedance method simpler and more cost-effective than the currently used sine wave impedance method. This square wave method avoids the necessity for expensive frequency control and amplitude-phase measuring devices as well as simplifying on-line data processing. In our experiments the electrical impulse was generated by a pulse generator of Macintosh data acquisition system. The signal (I = 11 muA, t = 2-20 ms) was delivered every 2-3 s external electrodes of a tetrapolar system through a specially designed isolation-calibration device. This electrode system was inserted into the cerebral cortex of experimental animals (rat). The cerebral cortex was found to have linear electrical properties in the 5-30 muA range. Our impedance measurement system was tested in calibration trials, and showed system reliability and accuracy. The system was also tested in pilot experiments, in vivo, in a rat brain osmotic edema model.

Alternate JournalActa Neurochir Suppl (Wien)
PubMed ID7976654

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