Sensing of heavy metal ions by intrinsic TMV coat protein fluorescence.

TitleSensing of heavy metal ions by intrinsic TMV coat protein fluorescence.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBayram SS, Green P, Blum ASzuchmache
JournalSpectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc
Date Published2018 Apr 15

We propose the use of a cysteine mutant of TMV coat protein as a signal transducer for the selective sensing and quantification of the heavy metal ions, Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni based on intrinsic tryptophan quenching. TMV coat protein is inexpensive, can be mass-produced since it is expressed and extracted from E-coli. It also displays several different functional groups, enabling a wide repertoire of bioconjugation chemistries; thus it can be easily integrated into functional devices. In addition, TMV-ion interactions have been widely reported and utilized for metallization to generate organic-inorganic hybrid composite novel materials. Building on these previous observations, we herein determine, for the first time, the TMV-ion binding constants assuming the static fluorescence quenching model. We also show that by comparing TMV-ion interactions between native and denatured coat protein, we can distinguish between chemically similar heavy metal ions such as cadmium and zinc ions.

Alternate JournalSpectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc
PubMed ID29367022

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