Cannabinoid neuromodulation in the adult early visual cortex.

TitleCannabinoid neuromodulation in the adult early visual cortex.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsOhiorhenuan IE, Mechler F, Purpura KP, Schmid AM, Hu Q, Victor JD
JournalPLoS One
Date Published2014
KeywordsAnimals, Cannabinoids, Cyclohexanols, Electrophysiological Phenomena, Macaca mulatta, Neurons, Photic Stimulation, Visual Cortex

Sensory processing is an active process involving the interaction of ongoing cortical activity with incoming stimulus information. However, the modulators and circuits involved in this interaction are incompletely understood. One potential candidate is the cannabinoid-signaling system, which is known to modulate the dynamics of cortical networks. Here, we show that in the primate primary and secondary visual cortices, the cannabinoid CP55940 modulates not only population dynamics but also influences the dynamics of the stimulus-response relationship of individual neurons. At the population level, CP55940 decreases EEG power, LFP power, and LFP coherence. At the single-neuron level, intrinsic spike train dynamics appear relatively unchanged, but visual receptive fields are altered: CP55940 induced an overall delay and broadening of the temporal component of V1 and V2 spatiotemporal receptive fields. Our findings provide neurophysiologic evidence for a link between cannabinoid-signaling, network dynamics and the function of a canonical cortical circuit.

Alternate JournalPLoS ONE
PubMed ID24586271
PubMed Central IDPMC3929390
Grant ListR01 EY009314 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM007739 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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