ATP hydrolysis cycles and the gating of CFTR Cl- channels.

TitleATP hydrolysis cycles and the gating of CFTR Cl- channels.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsGadsby DC, Dousmanis AG, Nairn AC
JournalActa Physiol Scand Suppl
Date Published1998 Aug
KeywordsAdenosine Triphosphate, Adenylyl Imidodiphosphate, Animals, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator, Guinea Pigs, Hydrolysis, Ion Channel Gating, Magnesium, Protein Conformation

The gene defective in cystic fibrosis encodes a Cl- channel named CFTR, which belongs to the family of transport proteins identified by their cytoplasmic domains that bind and hydrolyse ATP. CFTR channels require phosphorylation by protein kinase A at one or more serine residues in the large central regulatory domain before they will open. Severl findings argue that hydrolysis of ATP at the N-terminal nucleotide binding domain is the rate-limiting step for opening a phosphorylated CFTR channel. Although AMP-PNP the non-hydrolysable, but close structural, analog of ATP fails to open phosphorylated CFTR channels, once a channel has been opened, AMP-PNP can bind tightly to the channel and "lock" it into the open conformation for several minutes. This tight binding of AMP-PNP presumably occurs at CFTR's C-terminal nucleotide binding domain. Because it structurally resembles AMP-PNP, ATP must also bind tightly there, which suggests that hydrolysis of that ATP normally prompts channel closing. That conclusion is supported by the finding that free [Mg2+] level controls the rate of CFTR channel closure. A normal closed-open-closed gating cycle of a CFTR channel thus seems to involve hydrolysis of one ATP molecule to open it, and hydrolysis of a second ATP to close it. Stabilization of an active state by tight binding of a nucleotide, and termination of that state by hydrolysis of the nucleotide, are characteristics reminiscent of G proteins. Indeed, CFTR's nucleotide binding domains share with G proteins not only this functional similarity, but also some sequence homology, at least in certain highly conserved motifs.

Alternate JournalActa Physiol Scand Suppl
PubMed ID9789567
Grant ListDK51767 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
HL49907 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States

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