A single-cell transposable element atlas of human cell identity.

TitleA single-cell transposable element atlas of human cell identity.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsReyes-Gopar H, Marston JL, Singh B, Greenig M, Lin J, Ostrowski MA, Randall KN, Sandoval-Motta S, Dopkins N, Lawrence E, O'Mara MM, Fei T, Duarte RRR, Powell TR, Hernandez-Lemus E, IƱiguez LP, Nixon DF, Bendall ML
Date Published2023 Dec 28

Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is revolutionizing the study of complex biological systems. However, most sequencing studies overlook the contribution of transposable element (TE) expression to the transcriptome. In both scRNA-seq and bulk tissue RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), quantification of TE expression is challenging due to repetitive sequence content and poorly characterized TE gene models. Here, we developed a tool and analysis pipeline for Single cell Transposable Element Locus Level Analysis of scRNA Sequencing (Stellarscope) that reassigns multi-mapped reads to specific genomic loci using an expectation-maximization algorithm. Using Stellarscope, we built an atlas of TE expression in human PBMCs. We found that locus-specific TEs delineate cell types and define new cell subsets not identified by standard mRNA expression profiles. Altogether, this study provides comprehensive insights into the influence of transposable elements in human biology.

Alternate JournalbioRxiv
PubMed ID38234829
PubMed Central IDPMC10793444
Grant ListUM1 AI164559 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States

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