A Medical Student-Run Telehealth Primary Care Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Maintaining Care for the Underserved.

TitleA Medical Student-Run Telehealth Primary Care Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Maintaining Care for the Underserved.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBliss JW, Yau A, Beideck E, Novak JSS, d'Andrea FB, Blobel NJ, Batavia AS, Charney P
JournalJ Prim Care Community Health
Date Published2022 Jan-Dec
KeywordsCOVID-19, Humans, Pandemics, Primary Health Care, Retrospective Studies, Student Run Clinic, Students, Medical, Telemedicine

BACKGROUND: In this report, we outline our approach to implementing a hybrid in-person and virtual clinic model at a student-run free clinic (SRFC) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals of low socioeconomic status (SES) are at an increased risk for COVID-19 infection and severe clinical outcomes. It is unclear if telehealth is a viable continuity of care enabler for the underserved.

METHODS: The Weill Cornell Community Clinic (WCCC) implemented a novel telehealth clinic model to serve uninsured patients in May 2020. A phone survey of was conducted to assess WCCC patients access to technology needed for telehealth visits (eg, personal computers, smartphones). Patient no-show rates were retrospectively assessed for both in-person (pre-pandemic) and hybrid continuity of care models.

RESULTS: The phone survey found that 90% of WCCC patients had access to technology needed for telehealth visits. In the 8 months following implementation of the hybrid model, telehealth and in-person no-show rates were 11% (14/128) and 15% (10/67) respectively; the combined hybrid no-show rate was 12% (24/195). For comparison, the in-person 2019 no-show rate was 23% (84/367). This study aligns with previous reports that telehealth improves patient attendance.

CONCLUSION: Literature on the transition of SRFCs from in-person to telehealth care delivery models is limited. At the WCCC, the reduction in no-show rates supports the feasibility and benefits of adopting telehealth for the delivery of care to underserved patient populations. We believe the hybrid telehealth model described here is a viable model for other student run free clinics to increase access to care in low SES communities.

Alternate JournalJ Prim Care Community Health
PubMed ID35920022
PubMed Central IDPMC9358338
Grant ListT32 GM007739 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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