Chordoma arising from the coccygeal disc and mimicking a pilonidal cyst.

TitleChordoma arising from the coccygeal disc and mimicking a pilonidal cyst.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMazzucco M, Hwang S, Linos K, Hameed M, Shahzad F, Schmitt A, Boland P, Vaynrub M
JournalSkeletal Radiol
Date Published2023 Nov 13

Chordomas are rare, low-grade malignant tumors often found in the sacrococcygeal region and prone to local recurrence. We report an atypical presentation of a 40-year-old patient with a symptomatic midline retrococcygeal lesion that was presumptively treated as a pilonidal cyst due to its clinical and imaging features. After surgical pathology rendered the diagnosis of chordoma, the patient required salvage surgery in the form of partial sacrectomy with soft tissue flap coverage. In addition to the unusually predominant retrococcygeal location, surgical pathology identified an intervertebral disc origin rather than the typical osseous origin. To our knowledge, this presentation of chordoma with coccygeal intervertebral origin and a large subcutaneous mass at imaging has rarely been reported in the literature. We describe this case to raise awareness of atypical presentations of sacrococcygeal chordoma that may lead to erroneous presumptive diagnosis and treatment.

Alternate JournalSkeletal Radiol
PubMed ID37953332
PubMed Central ID3626178
Grant ListP30 CA008748 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
T32GM007739 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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