An axon-T cell feedback loop enhances inflammation and axon degeneration.

TitleAn axon-T cell feedback loop enhances inflammation and axon degeneration.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsLiu T, Wang H, Kutsovsky DY, Iskols M, Chen H, Ohn CYJ, Patel N, Yang J, Simon DJ
JournalCell Rep
Date Published2024 Feb 27
KeywordsAnimals, Axons, Dermatitis, Feedback, Inflammation, Mice, Presynaptic Terminals

Inflammation is closely associated with many neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, whether inflammation causes, exacerbates, or responds to neurodegeneration has been challenging to define because the two processes are so closely linked. Here, we disentangle inflammation from the axon damage it causes by individually blocking cytotoxic T cell function and axon degeneration. We model inflammatory damage in mouse skin, a barrier tissue that, despite frequent inflammation, must maintain proper functioning of a dense array of axon terminals. We show that sympathetic axons modulate skin inflammation through release of norepinephrine, which suppresses activation of γδ T cells via the β2 adrenergic receptor. Strong inflammatory stimulation-modeled by application of the Toll-like receptor 7 agonist imiquimod-causes progressive γδ T cell-mediated, Sarm1-dependent loss of these immunosuppressive sympathetic axons. This removes a physiological brake on T cells, initiating a positive feedback loop of enhanced inflammation and further axon damage.

Alternate JournalCell Rep
PubMed ID38310514

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