On August 9, the 15 students of the 2016 Gateways to the Laboratory program gave oral and poster presentations, in which students gave talks on the culmination of their summer research. Stephen H. Lockhart, MD, PhD (Tri-I Class of 1985) gave the keynote address. Family members, friends, mentors, and faculty were all invited to attend.
Gateways alumna Talia Guardia '12 is currently an MD-PhD student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She graduated from Barry University in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in biology.
Dr. Clark Fisher, MD, PhD, (Tri-I MD-PhD graduating class of 2017), currently at Yale University, has developed a ventilator circuit that can support two patients with individualized peak inspiratory and end-expiratory pressures. Dr. Fisher's project addresses the current shortage of ICU ventilators experienced by hospitals across the United States and the world with a a low-cost, off the shelf solution to stretch the limited resources available.