Student Publications


Regalado JM, Asensio ACorredera, Haunold T, Toader AC, Li YRan, Neal LA, Rajasethupathy P.  2023.  Neural activity ramps in frontal cortex signal extended motivation during learning.. bioRxiv.
de Carvalho RVH, Ersching J, Barbulescu A, Hobbs A, Castro TBR, Mesin L, Jacobsen JT, Phillips BK, Hoffmann H-H, Parsa R et al..  2023.  Clonal replacement sustains long-lived germinal centers primed by respiratory viruses.. Cell. 186(1):131-146.e13.
Meze K, Axhemi A, Thomas DR, Doymaz A, Joshua-Tor L.  2023.  A shape-shifting nuclease unravels structured RNA.. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 30(3):339-347.
Gupta A, Kao KS, Yamin R, Oren DA, Goldgur Y, Du J, Lollar P, Sundberg EJ, Ravetch JV.  2023.  Mechanism of glycoform specificity and in vivo protection by an anti-afucosylated IgG nanobody.. Nat Commun. 14(1):2853.
Malviya M, Aretz ZEH, Molvi Z, Lee J, Pierre S, Wallisch P, Dao T, Scheinberg DA.  2023.  Challenges and solutions for therapeutic TCR-based agents.. Immunol Rev. 320(1):58-82.
Liu F, Kaplan ALevit, Levring J, Einsiedel J, Tiedt S, Distler K, Omattage NS, Kondratov IS, Moroz YS, Pietz HL et al..  2023.  Structure-based discovery of CFTR potentiators and inhibitors.. bioRxiv.
Mazzucco M, Hwang S, Linos K, Hameed M, Shahzad F, Schmitt A, Boland P, Vaynrub M.  2023.  Chordoma arising from the coccygeal disc and mimicking a pilonidal cyst.. Skeletal Radiol.
Reyes-Gopar H, Marston JL, Singh B, Greenig M, Lin J, Ostrowski MA, Randall KN, Sandoval-Motta S, Dopkins N, Lawrence E et al..  2023.  A single-cell transposable element atlas of human cell identity.. bioRxiv.
Toader AC, Regalado JM, Li YRan, Terceros A, Yadav N, Kumar S, Satow S, Hollunder F, Bonito-Oliva A, Rajasethupathy P.  2023.  Anteromedial Thalamus Gates the Selection & Stabilization of Long-Term Memories.. bioRxiv.
Eliasberg CD, Carballo CB, Piacentini A, Caughey S, Havasy J, Khan M, Liu Y, Ivasyk I, Rodeo SA.  2023.  Effect of CCR2 Knockout on Tendon Biomechanical Properties in a Mouse Model of Delayed Rotator Cuff Repair.. J Bone Joint Surg Am.